Are Women Afraid Or Uninformed About Menopause?

Today, we have something special lined up.

We would like to share with you an email sent by one of our customers, which has a rather hot take about menopausal women.

“Are Women Afraid, or Uninformed about Menopause”

Here’s what she said:

“Do you think women ignore their menopausal symptoms?
I suppose I’m referring to the women in their early 30s to 40s, but it could apply to basically anyone who is perimenopausal or just approaching that age.
Things are indeed changing, and there’s more talk and education around it but I still think there is a lot of shame and fear lingering around menopause because to them, Menopause = getting old.

I know that feeling because personally, when I started having symptoms in my early 40s I was terribly upset. I wasn’t ready for it at all, and I felt like I was too young to be experiencing it.
I had my head in the sand for a period of time but symptoms like hot flashes, weight gain and bloating eventually forced me to seek assistance from my doctor for HRT, which I am now on.

This ordeal opened my eyes to people who might be just like me, women who are experiencing new health issues like fibromyalgia, weight gain, mood swings, which they are actively seeking the solution to.

But mention even the word menopause to them and they reject it flat out. 
“It couldn’t be me, I’m too young for that.”

Perimenopause/Menopause seems to be the scariest boogeyman to them, which I get personally...

But I wonder if being in denial for years about hormonal changes and not doing anything about it, is them ignoring a potential source of relief that could possibly better their symptoms.
For example, they might eventually succumb to HRT (like I did) at 50 or when their period stops, but by then the symptoms might have done some heavy damage to their health already like bone density loss / collagen loss.”

Now, we are no stranger to the feelings and symptoms a menopausal woman experiences, being women ourselves…

And we get that some women are just not prepared to begin that portion of their lives, even though their body clearly is in hormonal change.

But we honestly think that:

“Women are not afraid, just not properly informed”

It is the lack of education, and not just on the women’s part but also the doctors that attend to them.

More than once, have we read our emails and comments about doctors ignoring the plight of menopausal women who come up to them with their symptoms, only to be brushed off as it being the norm, or just a “depressive bout”.

We believe that all women, given the proper information, have the strength to overcome their symptoms, and start seeing that menopause isn’t just full of symptoms…

It’s also a period of self-love, and the perfect time to rediscover yourself again.

Not as a mother or wife, but as you, the wonderful woman underneath!

P.S Menopausal symptoms are part and parcel of life. While we cannot stop it from happening, we can definitely run a sale and make it a whole lot better:

Our Black Friday Sale is LIVE!

Usually, we tend to only give a 15% discount to our customers for Black Friday…

However, due to the overwhelming response we received from you gals, we’ve decided to stick with the 23% we have 

So hurry and redeem your coupons because there are only:

500 coupons left to be redeemed

With only 4 days left in our sale, our customers will be redeeming the discounts like crazy!

So, if you still have not redeemed your discount code for our biggest sale of the’s the best time — while stocks last! 

Simply enter the code SAVE23 to enjoy 23% OFF Menokitour holistic bundle:

Introducing the Menokit!

The Menokit Bundle contains 3 of our most popular supplements (Provitalize + Previtalize + inergyPLUS) designed to:

  • Manage hormonal weight gain
  • Boost metabolism & calorie burn
  • Ease hot flashes & night sweats
  • Manage inflammation
  • Curb sugar cravings
  • Boost gut health

Contains 3 natural phytoestrogenic herbs — Curry Leaves, Moringa & Turmeric, each of them with the ability to not only lower inflammation, but also help replenish imbalanced hormones that are responsible for many menopausal symptoms.

Contains 3 thermogenic probiotic strains — L.Gasseri, B.Breve and B.Lactis, that not only helps keep the gut healthy, but also reduces bloating & sugar cravings naturally.. 

Contains 5 effective and natural prebiotics— including Fructooligosaccharides, a prebiotic that not only boosts the performance of probiotics, but also helps improve digestion and reduces stubborn fat accumulation.

Contains 7 key herbs & nutrients — including PQQ (PyrroloQuinoline Quinone), a nutrient that is studied to have positive effects on vigor, fatigue, tension-anxiety, depression, anger-hostility and confusion.

Why choose our Menokit?

Because our blend of natural phytoestrogenic herbs works to rebalance hormones naturally in the body

Not to mention the probiotic & prebiotic combo, and essential nutrients that work in tandem to improve moods, and lower the occurrences of mood swings.

This makes the Menokit the perfect bundle to help women manage a wide range of menopausal symptoms — allowing them to enjoy every day to the fullest!

Don’t believe us?

Check out what our lovely customers have to say about how the Menokit bundle helped them with their menopausal symptoms:

“My mood improved greatly!”

“I'm 42 and decided to take the Menokit as a premenopause, preventive measure to ease my way through the difficult years I have ahead of me. 
My mood has greatly improved throughout the day, I have more energy and the weight is coming off.

If it has already helped me this early in my journey I am certain it'll be a life saver in the years to come. I'm now on subscription, so yes, I recommend this product, even for those not quite into menopause.”

- Margaret M, ✅Verified Buyer

“So thankful for Menokit”

“We all have a story, mine is that I'm 41 and had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 34. I spent years of my life struggling to keep it all together and I have finally found the support I need to live my life again. 

The bloating, weight gain, and all over yuck is gone and I can think clearly and after using the Menokit for 4 month, I know it's not a fluke or all in my head. I am so thankful for all of the benefits these 4 products have brought me.”

- Kris B, ✅Verified Buyer

So, if you want to experience benefits like Margaret & Kris, and finally manage menopausal symptoms naturally…

Why not try our Menokit Bundle at 23% OFF and experience the benefits firsthand today!

PPS. There are only 4 days left for you to redeem your discount coupon for our biggest sale of the year! Don’t miss out!

500 coupons left to be redeemed

Our coupons are running out fast!

We receive more than 100s of orders a day, and coupons are being redeemed like hotcakes.

So don’t miss out on this chance to stock up on our products at 23% OFF, for yourselves or for your family & friends!

Simply enter the coupon code: SAVE23 at checkout to redeem your 23% off coupon code here before they run out.