The #1 Treatment For Hot Flashes After Hysterectomy

Treatment For Hot Flashes After Hysterectomy

Tired of the relentless heat waves crashing through your body post-hysterectomy? You're not alone. Hysterectomy hot flashes can make every day feel like an uphill battle against your own body's thermostat. 

It's frustrating, exhausting, and in some cases, downright embarrassing. But here's the good news: relief is possible, and it's right here in this guide. 

We've pinpointed the #1 treatment for hot flashes after hysterectomy to help you kiss those unbearable hot flashes goodbye and welcome back the comfort and stability you crave in your daily life. 

Say hello to a cooler, more composed you. The answers you seek are just a few clicks away in CalmAgain™ and Provitalize probiotics!

A Brief Overview of Hysterectomy and Hot Flashes

Before we talk about post-hysterectomy hot flashes, let’s set the stage a bit by talking about this procedure and identifying hot flashes in the first place.

What is a Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a woman’s uterus, and in some cases, other reproductive organs. This major surgery can come in several forms: 

  • A total hysterectomy removes the uterus and cervix; a subtotal
  • A partial hysterectomy removes just the uterus
  • A radical hysterectomy takes out the uterus, upper part of the vagina, and surrounding tissues, typically for cancer treatment. The ovaries may also be removed in a procedure called oophorectomy.

Women undergo hysterectomies to address uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine cancer, chronic pelvic pain, or abnormal bleeding. 

While the procedure is common and generally safe, it brings about significant hormonal changes, particularly if the ovaries are removed. This is because the ovaries are a primary source of estrogen, a hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating body temperature.

Describing Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are sudden feelings of warmth, usually most intense over the face, neck, and chest. Your skin might redden as if you're blushing. You may also experience sweating and a subsequent chill. 

These episodes can last from seconds to minutes and vary in frequency and intensity. They are manageable in some cases, but can become severe and disruptive. So, can you have hot flashes after a hysterectomy? 

Can You Have Hot Flashes After a Hysterectomy?

Your mind may wander to menopause when you think about hot flashes. After all, this is among the most common menopause symptoms along with menopause brain fog, meno belly, menopause fatigue, menopause acne, and menopause weight gain

But, a hysterectomy can also contribute to hot flashes - maybe not immediately, but down the road. 

The intensity and frequency of these hot flashes largely depend on whether or not the ovaries were removed during the hysterectomy, as they play a significant role in hormone production.

The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, two hormones vital in regulating various bodily functions, including body temperature. 

There is an immediate drop in these hormone levels when the ovaries are removed, leading to symptoms commonly associated with menopause, such as hot flashes.

There can be a disruption in blood flow to the ovaries during surgery even in cases where the ovaries are left intact. This might cause a decrease in hormone production and subsequently lead to hot flashes.

Your hypothalamus (the body’s internal thermostat) will become more sensitive to slight changes in body temperature. When the hypothalamus senses your body is too warm, it starts a chain of events - a hot flash - to cool you down.

Now, let’s talk about what you can expect in regards to hot flashes after hysterectomy…

How Long Do Hot Flashes Last After Hysterectomy?

So, how long do hot flashes last after hysterectomy? And when will they start? This can vary significantly based on factors such as individual health conditions, age, and whether the ovaries were removed during surgery.

For example, women who have undergone oophorectomy may experience hot flashes immediately following surgery. The body experiences a sudden drop in estrogen, prompting an abrupt onset of menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes. 

In contrast, if the ovaries are left intact, hot flashes may appear later and could be less severe, although this is not a guaranteed outcome. But how long do hot flashes last after hysterectomy?

Hot flashes can last for a few months, several years, or even longer. Women experience hot flashes for about seven years on average. However, they can persist for more than a decade for some women. 

It's important to note that while the frequency and intensity of hot flashes may decrease over time, they can still have a significant impact on a woman’s quality of life. The good news? We’re now going to unveil the #1 treatment for hot flashes after hysterectomy!

The #1 Treatment For Hot Flashes After Hysterectomy: CalmAgain™ and Provitalize

The solution to post-hysterectomy hot flashes is closer than you think. BB Company has empowered more than 2 million women to live more comfortable lives through thoughtfully designed supplements.

And below, we’ll show you the two formulations we recommend as the #1 treatment for hot flashes after hysterectomy, starting with the latest addition to our arsenal: CalmAgain.


CalmAgain is meticulously crafted with potent ingredients that are specifically chosen based on cutting-edge scientific research. Here are the key players in our precision-targeted formula.

  • Siberian Rhubarb Extract (ERr 731®): This ingredient has been scientifically proven to significantly reduce menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. It showcased an impressive reduction in symptoms in multiple studies, emphasizing its pivotal role in the formulation.
  • Saffron Extract: This prized spice isn't just for culinary delights. Research has revealed its potential in alleviating anxiety and depression by enhancing neurotransmitter levels in the brain. It addresses both the physical and emotional challenges of menopause.
  • Sage Extract: Beyond its culinary use, sage has been recognized for its potential “anti-flush” effects attributed to its oestrogenic flavonoids. Furthermore, its potential to inhibit the breakdown of neurotransmitters bolsters cognitive performance, making it a two-pronged asset in our formula.
  • Vitamin E: This powerhouse antioxidant plays a dual role. It not only helps shield the brain's thermostat (the hypothalamus) from oxidative stress to reduce hot flashes. It also potentially aids in alleviating anxiety-related symptoms.

This post-hysterectomy hot flash treatment is backed by science. It’ll help you put hot flashes in the rear view mirror not just during the day but also at night so you can get better sleep. And, it’ll improve your mood, fending off menopause anxiety.

It’s a great start for anyone looking for help dealing with post-hysterectomy hot flashes. But, it’s just one piece of the puzzle - you also need the best probiotic for menopause!


Provitalize has been considered the best supplement for menopause, and more specifically, the best probiotics for menopause weight gain

It helps create a sense of balance in the gut and optimizes your metabolism, assisting you in dealing with bloating during menopause, nausea during menopause, and weight gain after hysterectomy.

But, the Provitalize ingredients also work wonders for hot flash relief. Provitalize harnesses the power of specific probiotic strains like B. breve, L. gasseri, and B. lactis. 

These strains are clinically shown to support hormonal balance, which is crucial in regulating body temperature and reducing hot flashes. Turmeric root extract further enhances the effects by supporting a more balanced inflammatory response

Other ingredients include moringa leaf extract, curry leaf extraction, and bioperine. You may feel the reduction of hot flashes within the first month of taking our supplement!

Learn more about potential Provitalize side effects and Provitalize safety considerations, reviews of Provitalize, how Provitalize works, how long it takes for Provitalize to work, and more in our blog.

You can also discover more insights into what makes Provitalize the best probiotics for belly fat, how to lose weight during menopause, do probiotics cause weight gain, how long does menopause weight gain last, menopause belly fat diet plan, and more.

But, before we wrap up our guide on dealing with post-hysterectomy hot flashes, here are some other tips on finding lasting relief…

Other Ways to Treat Post-Hysterectomy Hot Flashes

While we’ve already equipped you with the #1 treatment for hot flashes after hysterectomy, there are other things you can do to support your body along this journey. One such choice is hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

HRT involves replenishing the body with estrogen or a combination of estrogen and progesterone. It directly addresses the hormonal imbalance, effectively reducing the frequency and severity of hot flashes. 

However, it's crucial to discuss potential risks and benefits with a healthcare provider. We’ve described these in our guides covering pros and cons of HRT and tips on going through menopause without HRT.

Certain antidepressants in the SSRI class, like Venlafaxine, have shown promise in reducing hot flashes. Similarly, Gabapentin, an anti-seizure medication, and Clonidine, a blood pressure medication, have been effective for some women. 

Again, though - these may be accompanied by concerning side effects. When natural alternatives like CalmAgain and Provitalize are proven to be safe and effective, why take unnecessary risks?

Whatever you end up doing, we do encourage you to make lifestyle adjustments to address post-hysterectomy hot flashes. 

This can be as simple as maintaining a cool environment, wearing breathable clothing, and practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation can help manage sudden flushes. Furthermore, avoiding triggers such as spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol can make a difference

Soy and flaxseed, rich in phytoestrogens, may offer relief to some women. Black cohosh is another popular herbal remedy. It has mixed reviews but might be worth exploring. 

Some studies suggest that acupuncture can reduce the frequency of hot flashes in women going through menopause, too. However, your best bet is to get started today with CalmAgain and Provitalize today. So, what are you waiting for?

Wrapping Up Our Conversation on Hot Flashes After Hysterectomy

Hot flashes post-hysterectomy can take a dramatic toll on your physical and mental health. You just want to get through the day without sweating through your clothes, or get a good night’s sleep without disruption.

We’re all too familiar with these scenarios, and this is why we developed the best treatment for hot flashes after hysterectomy. These supplements, backed by rigorous research, are tailored to address your unique needs.

You can learn more about addressing rapid aging after menopause, how to lose menopause belly fat, how to stop menopause weight gain, the different stages of menopause, the end of menopause signs, or natural alternatives to Ozempic.

Don't merely endure - thrive by investing in your well-being with CalmAgain and Provitalize today and make post-hysterectomy hot flashes an uncomfortable problem of the past!