How to Heal Hip Bursitis Quickly

How to Heal Hip Bursitis Quickly

The discomfort and limitations that come with hip bursitis can feel like a relentless barrier to your daily joys and activities, especially if you’re in the transformative years of menopause. This is the last thing you need on top of everything else you have going on.

The good news, though, is that we’re here to help you find relief fast. Discover how to heal hip bursitis quickly in this guide as we highlight the role of effective exercises with the support of Provitalize, our targeted supplement designed to ease aching hips.

Embrace the possibility of a pain-free life, where age isn't a boundary but a testament to your enduring strength and vitality. Let’s begin with a brief overview of the condition before we get into how to heal bursitis in the hip.

What is Hip Bursitis?

First things first - what is hip bursitis?This condition is characterized by inflammation of the bursa, small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles near joints. 

In the hip, this condition typically involves the bursa over the greater trochanter (the bony point of the hip bone), but can also affect the iliopsoas bursa on the inside of the hip. 

These bursae help reduce friction and cushion pressure points between bones and soft tissues during movement. This leads to an array of frustrating, painful symptoms.


The hallmark symptom of hip bursitis is pain at the hip point, often radiating to the outer thigh. The pain may be sharp and intense early on but will likely progress to more of a chronic ache. 

Pain tends to worsen at night, particularly when lying on the affected side, and during activities such as getting up from a seated position, walking, climbing stairs, or squatting. These symptoms can significantly impair mobility and quality of life.


Several factors can contribute to the development of hip bursitis. Repetitive activities or overuse injuries such as running or bicycling can lead to bursitis, especially if these activities involve prolonged standing or repeated hip movements. 

Direct trauma to the hip area, spine diseases (like scoliosis or arthritis), leg-length discrepancies, rheumatoid arthritis, and the presence of bone spurs or calcium deposits can also predispose individuals to hip bursitis. 

Additionally, post-surgical changes around the hip area can trigger bursitis. 

The Link Between Menopause and Hip Bursitis

Menopause is a period in a woman’s life that leads to an array of symptoms, from menopause weight gain to menopause anxiety, night sweats, and even menopause hip pain. This phase can indirectly contribute to the development of hip bursitis, primarily due to hormonal changes.

As estrogen levels decrease during menopause, there is a corresponding reduction in joint lubrication and bone density. This reduction can increase friction within the hip joint, leading to inflammation of the bursa and thus bursitis. 

Furthermore, the fluctuation of hormone levels during perimenopause and menopause affects the integrity of tendons. 

Estrogen is vital for maintaining lateral hip stability by ensuring healthy tendon integrity within the body's connective tissues, such as the gluteal tendons. The drop in estrogen levels during menopause can lead to decreased tendon integrity, potentially causing painful conditions like gluteal tendinopathy.

The good news, though, is that you can rely on perimenopause supplements or menopause supplements to help find relief. Whatever the cause, you want to learn how to heal hip bursitis quickly. But, how long does it take for hip bursitis to heal typically?

How Long For Hip Bursitis to Heal on Average

Understanding the typical hip bursitis healing timeline can help set realistic expectations and foster a more efficient recovery. 

But, just as with questions like how long does menopause weight gain last or what are the signs of coming to the end of menopause, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. 

So, let’s look at the factors behind how long for hip bursitis to heal on average before we share a modest timeline with tips on how to heal hip bursitis quickly.

Factors Influencing Healing Time

Hip bursitis generally tends to improve within a few weeks to a few months with appropriate rest and treatment. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the healing process varies from person to person and depends on several factors:

  • Severity of the Condition: The extent of the inflammation and discomfort plays a significant role. More severe cases may require longer recovery periods.
  • Adherence to Treatment Plan: Finding our guide on how to heal hip bursitis quickly is a great start, but actually acting on it matters more. Following the treatment regimen prescribed by healthcare professionals, including rest, physical therapy, and medication, is critical for a swift recovery.
  • Overall Health and Age: Younger individuals and those in better physical condition generally recover more quickly than older adults or those with underlying health issues.
  • Repetitive Stress and Activity Level: The cause of bursitis, especially if it's due to repetitive motion or overuse, can impact healing. Continuous stress on the hip may slow down recovery.
  • Lifestyle and Environmental Factors: Diet, general activity level, and workplace ergonomics can also influence recovery time.

Typical Recovery Timeline

So, how long does it take for hip bursitis to heal on average? A person with hip bursitis can expect to recover in about one to two months, provided they follow their doctor's treatment plan and avoid activities that exacerbate the condition. 

It's important to coordinate recovery plans with a trained medical professional for personalized advice and to ensure a safe and effective recovery process. 

That being said, let’s help you speed this process up so you can get back to living your life without limits with tips on how to heal hip bursitis quickly!

How to Heal Hip Bursitis Quickly: Get Back to Living a Pain-Free Life Without Limits ASAP!

While hip bursitis can take a toll on your day-to-day lifestyle, there are ways you can overcome this condition in a timely manner. We’ll walk you through how to heal bursitis in the hip quickly below followed by tips on preventing flare-ups in the future. 

Immediate Steps for Pain Relief

The primary goal when hip bursitis first strikes is to alleviate pain swiftly and effectively. Immediate steps should focus on reducing inflammation and managing discomfort:

  • Activity Modification: Avoid activities that worsen your symptoms. This allows the inflamed bursa to heal without further irritation.
  • NSAIDs: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen can relieve pain and control inflammation. However, they should be used cautiously and for limited periods under a doctor's guidance.
  • Assistive Devices: Using a walking cane or crutches temporarily can help reduce the load on the affected hip.
  • Physical Therapy: Exercises prescribed by your doctor or a physical therapist can stretch the iliotibial (IT) band and increase hip strength and flexibility. These may include massage, ice, heat, or ultrasound treatments.
  • Steroid Injection: If other methods don't bring relief, a corticosteroid injection into the bursa can provide temporary or sometimes even permanent relief
  • Alternating Heat and Cold Therapy: You can meticulously alternate heat and cold therapy to speed up the healing timeline while alleviating aches in the meantime. 

Essential Exercises for Recovery

While you should give the hip bursae a period of rest upon diagnosis, you will eventually want to start performing specific exercises to speed up your recovery timeline. Motion is lotion, after all. We recently wrote a guide highlighting the best exercises for hip bursitis, but here are a few of our favorites:

  • Glute Bridges: This exercise strengthens your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors, crucial for the health of your hip joints.
  • Lying Lateral Leg Raises: These exercises build the strength and stability of side-to-side leg movements, which is essential for hip joint health.
  • Clamshells: Especially beneficial for runners. This exercise strengthens your hip muscles and tones your inner thighs.

Perform 2-4 sets of 10-20 reps of these exercises 2-3 times a week and you’ll notice a dramatic difference in how you feel. You’ll also improve your mobility and body composition along the way, helping offset the effects of rapid aging after menopause!

Role of Diet and Nutrition

Diet and nutrition play a crucial role in managing and healing hip bursitis. There are a number of moving parts here - there are certain foods you want to include and some you want to avoid. But, how much you eat matters too from a weight management standpoint.

Your diet should be comprised of foods that support a healthy inflammatory response, including pineapple, papaya, dark greens, and bananas. These contain enzymes and vitamins that fight imbalance in the body.

Similarly, you should include foods rich in omega-3s, like fish, eggs, and grass-fed meats. These help balance the inflammatory effects of omega-6 fatty acids. 

The grains you eat matter too. Grains such as barley, oatmeal, quinoa, and bulgur do not cause significant blood sugar spikes, thus supporting your inflammatory response.

Whey protein is another pivotal component of your diet. Not only does it support balance in the body but it will help you recover and strengthen the hip region, too, while keeping you feeling full for longer.

Including magnesium-rich foods like dark leafy greens, beans, lentils, and oats in your diet can help fend off aches as well while supporting a healthier inflammatory response.

Now, what should be avoided? Anything that can be seen as inflammatory, such as sugar, soy, gluten, etc. Here are a few of the worst offenders:

  • Legumes: Beans, peanuts, soybeans, and similar legumes can trigger an inflammatory response in the body and should be limited.
  • Refined Carbohydrates and Added Sugars: High-glycemic foods, such as white bread and sugary snacks, can spike blood sugar levels and worsen inflammation.

Learn more in our guides on creating a menopause belly fat diet plan, foods to avoid for menopause belly fat, or foods to avoid for a flat stomach.

Importance of Rest and Sleep

Hip bursitis can significantly disrupt sleep due to pain and discomfort. This creates a vicious cycle, as proper rest is essential for recovery and overall quality of life. 

So, consider sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees to relieve pressure on the hip joint. If you have low back pain, sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees can help align your hip and spine. 

For some, sleeping on the stomach with a pillow under the hips may be beneficial, though it can strain the lower back and neck.

Performing gentle exercises and stretches before bed can decrease pain and promote healing during sleep. Additionally, using heat can increase blood flow and reduce muscle spasms. Try using a heating pad or hot water bottle on the hip for 15-20 minutes before bed.

Integrating Supplements Like Provitalize in Your Healing Regimen

The biggest takeaway from this conversation on how to heal hip bursitis quickly should be that Provitalize can help you jumpstart your journey to pain-free living. 

We’ve touched on it as a tool for addressing menopause and joint pain briefly, but how exactly does it help you heal hip bursitis?The answer is multi-faceted.

At its core, the Provitalize ingredients help you lose weight during menopause, specifically by fighting off meno belly. The formulation contains 3 of the best probiotics for belly fat, and weight management is one of the cornerstones of taking the strain off your hips. 

But, Provitalize isn’t just the premier menopause belly fat supplement. It’s designed to ease general menopause symptoms like fatigue, hot flashes, and joint pain as well. So, how does Provitalize work for addressing hip bursitis?

It provides a comprehensive approach to managing the nuances of joint discomfort by fostering a balance in gut health and hormonal levels. While the lactobacillus gasseri benefits are more notably related to weight management, studies show that probiotics can protect your joint health as well.

Moreover, Provitalize contains natural herbs like curcumin and moringa leaf. These are known for supporting a healthy inflammatory response and can be instrumental in alleviating joint pain, especially in the hips. 

This product is not just about addressing a single symptom. It's about embracing a healthier, more balanced lifestyle during menopause, with a focus on holistic well-being. 

So, try it out today whether you’re looking for help healing hip bursitis quickly during menopause or you’re seeking hot flash treatment natural remedies. More than 2 million women have seen results, and the Provitalize reviews speak for themselves. 

If you’re still not convinced, we have resources discussing Provitalize safety, Provitalize side effects, the benefits of Provitalize, where to buy Provitalize, and more in our blog. But with a 90-days money-back guarantee, what do you have to lose?

When to Consider Professional Help and Medical Intervention

If home treatment doesn't relieve hip bursitis discomfort after two weeks, it's advisable to see a doctor. Specialists in orthopedics, rheumatology, or physical medicine can provide further assistance. 

Physical therapy is often recommended, and if necessary, steroid injections into the bursa can offer long-lasting relief. However, identifying and eliminating the source of the problem is crucial. These injections merely mask the symptoms rather than addressing the root cause.

Surgery may be considered in rare cases where bursitis persists after 12 months of medical therapy. That being said, if you follow these tips on how to heal bip bursitis quickly you won’t have to stress about that. 

Preventing Recurrence of Hip Bursitis

Flare-ups of hip bursitis are common, unfortunately. Just as we taught you how to heal bursitis in the hip, though, we can offer a few insights on preventing the recurrence of this painful, debilitating condition.

  • Maintain Hip Flexibility and Leg Strength: Engage in exercises like yoga and Pilates to build strength and flexibility, focusing on the core and legs. Weaknesses in the glutes, legs, knees, and ankles can contribute to hip problems.
  • Healthy Weight Maintenance: Keeping a healthy weight reduces joint stress, including on the hips and knees. Even a small weight loss can significantly impact joint health.
  • Use Supportive Footwear: Choose shoes that support and cradle the foot. Custom shoe inserts can help if you have an uneven gait, reducing hip pressure.
  • Gradual Increase in Athletic Activities: Start slowly when resuming or starting a new exercise program to prevent injuries.
  • Good Posture: Maintain balanced body posture to prevent hip and back pain. This involves sitting straight, standing with supportive shoes, and avoiding slumping

Essentially, you can reduce the likelihood of a flare-up by continuing to implement all the advice we shared for healing hip bursitis fast: dietary and lifestyle changes, exercises, and supplements. 

So, put all this into practice today as we wrap up our guide on how to heal hip bursitis quickly.

Final Thoughts on How to Heal Bursitis in the Hip

We hope this conversation on how to heal bursitis in the hip helps you find relief fast. Effectively managing hip bursitis involves a blend of immediate pain relief strategies, targeted exercises, dietary adjustments, and understanding the potential impact of life stages like menopause. 

Consider integrating Provitalize into your regimen as you seek to heal bursitis in the hip quickly. This holistic supplement not only addresses the aches associated with menopause but also aids in managing other menopausal symptoms and weight management issues.

Want to explore other helpful resources as you traverse the various stages of menopause? Our blog has articles covering topics like can probiotics cause weight gain, the best probiotics for menopause weight gain, leg aches menopause, menopause without HRT, and more.

But at this point, there’s just one thing left to do. Explore a balanced approach to wellness with the best probiotic for menopause and take a step towards a healthier, more comfortable life today!