Menopause and Joint Aches: Can Menopause Cause Joint Aches and How Do You Treat it?

Menopause and Joint Aches: Can Menopause Cause Joint Aches

Joint aches can be an unwelcome companion as we journey through life's various stages. But when these aches arrive hand-in-hand with menopause, it's like being served a double helping of discomfort

Many women, perhaps yourself included, are caught off guard when menopause and joint aches begin to cast a shadow over what should be a time of mature bloom - a fresh season of life unburdened by monthly cycles.

But your body has taken in a mind of its own as menopause ushers in these new changes. So, rather than wondering when the aches and discomfort will subside, allow us to walk you through how to treat menopause joint aches to help you find relief fast.

We’ll cover everything you need to know about the relationship between joint aches and menopause. You’ll discover why this happens, how long it lasts, and what you can do today for rapid relief from menopause joint aches. 

First, can menopause cause joint aches - or is this discomfort associated with something else?

Can Menopause Cause Joint Aches?

Menopause is a significant life transition that marks the end of a woman's fertility. Menopause is heralded by an array of physical and emotional changes - some pleasant, others downright dreadful. 

This typically occurs around age 51 as the body adjusts to falling levels of sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which ushers in these changes.

Many are familiar with the hallmarks of menopause, like hot flashes and mood swings. But one symptom of menopause that often surprises women is joint aches. So, can menopause cause joint aches?

Unfortunately, yes - menopause can indeed cause joint aches. 

The exact relationship between menopause and joint aches isn't entirely understood, but it's clear that many women start experiencing aches in their joints (such as the knees, shoulders, and hands) around the time they enter perimenopause (which can begin in their early 40s) - the transitional period before menopause. 

That being said, let’s pull the curtain back and take a deeper look at why joint aches and menopause are linked.

Why Does Menopause Cause Joint Aches?

There are a few theories as to why menopause causes joint aches. We know that hormones play a role in regulating joint health. But there is also the link between joint aches and menopause weight gain to consider.

Hormonal Changes and Their Impact on Joint Health

Estrogen in particular plays a pivotal role in maintaining joint health, alongside its functions in women's overall health. 

And as we briefly mentioned earlier, this hormone falls off as menopause begins. Therefore, as estrogen levels decrease during menopause, the risk of joint aches and discomfort increases. 

Other Menopause-Related Factors Contributing to Joint aches

In addition to hormonal changes, other menopause-related factors can contribute to joint aches. Weight gain, common during menopause, can put extra pressure on weight-bearing joints

That’s not all. The loss of muscle mass can lead to greater strain on the joints. Sleep disturbances, another frequent symptom of menopause, can also exacerbate feelings of aches and discomfort.

What Do Menopause Joint Aches Feel Like?

This sounds like a silly question…it hurts, right? But it’s important to distinguish between menopausal joint aches and more serious underlying issues that mimic the feeling of joint aches.

If you've ever woken up with an inexplicable stiffness in your knees or soreness in your hips, you may have experienced menopausal joint aches. 

It’s a dull ache that doesn’t seem to subside until you get your body moving for the day. And even then, it can linger until you go to bed at night.

Others may describe it as stiffness or swelling in the joints. Some women even report experiencing aches in their fingers, wrists, and toes.

However, not everyone's experience with menopausal joint aches is the same. The discomfort can vary greatly from woman to woman, both in terms of intensity and the areas affected.

It's important to note that menopausal joint aches are usually symmetrical, meaning it affects the same joint on both sides of the body. This symmetry can help differentiate menopausal joint aches from other types of joint aches that are typically more localized.

Will Joint Aches From Menopause Ever Go Away?

Menopausal joint aches can be disheartening, especially when it seems to impact every aspect of your life, from your morning routine to your sleep quality. So, will joint aches from menopause ever go away?

Fortunately, yes - joint aches associated with menopause will often decrease over time.This reduction can be attributed to your body's gradual adaptation to the new hormonal environment. 

However, the timeframe for this adjustment can be different for every woman, depending largely on her individual physiology, lifestyle, and overall health. 

There are numerous treatment options to help manage the discomfort and support your quality of life while waiting for your body to adjust.

And the good news is you don’t have to consider an invasive procedure or concerning treatment regimen like hormone replacement therapy. We can teach you how to treat menopause joint aches naturally below.

How to Treat Menopause Joint Aches: Natural Remedies and Professional Treatment for Fast Relief

With a thorough understanding of the relationship between menopause and joint aches, it’s time we get into what brought you here today: how to treat menopause joint aches.

While this symptom can significantly impact your daily life, there are quite a few ways to manage this discomfort and regain your quality of life. 

We encourage you to develop a regimen that incorporates all these into your daily routine for the best results. But, it all starts with one important addition: Provitalize.

It All Starts With Provitalize Probiotics: A Supplement You Can Count on For Fast Relief

The mind naturally drifts toward conventional treatments like painkillers and physical therapy when we think about joint aches relief. But what if you could tackle joint aches from a more fundamental, root-cause level? 

This is where Provitalize Probiotics steps into the picture. It’s a daily dietary supplement specially formulated to promote healthy weight while supporting energy production and overall wellness, especially during menopause.

The carefully curated Provitalize ingredients include probiotics and natural herbs that work synergistically to maintain optimal gut health, a crucial factor in supporting your journey to finding relief from joint aches.And, there aren’t any Provitalize side effects to stress about either, unlike many joint aches solutions.

You don’t have to take our word for it, either. Many of the hundreds of thousands of Provitalize reviews echo a similar sentiment. Women have managed to turn back the hands of time and regain their youth - both in terms of how they lookand how they feel. 

What sets Provitalize apart is its evidence-backed approach to supporting your body's natural healing processes. It doesn't merely mask the symptoms. Instead, it helps create an internal environment conducive to supporting joint health. 

With consistent use, Provitalize can be a powerful ally in your journey toward relief from menopausal joint aches. So, get the best probiotic for menopause and see what a difference it can make not just in managing joint aches, but supporting your life in a myriad of other ways. 

Then, continue fine-tuning your lifestyle to eliminate joint aches for good. You’ll need to assess your diet and exercise routine next.

Lifestyle Changes for Alleviating Joint Aches: Exercise and Nutrition

Healthy lifestyle habits play a key role in managing menopausal joint aches. Extra weight on your joints means more stress on them, after all. 

So, while you came here to learn specifically about menopause and joint aches, our advice is actually to learn how to stop menopause weight gain. That means you’ll need to develop an exercise and nutrition regimen.

This doesn’t have to be anything overly intense. Regular low-impact exercises like yoga, swimming, or walking can help to strengthen your muscles, reduce joint stiffness, and increase flexibility. 

Remember, motion is lotion for the joints!The more you move, the better you’ll feel. That being said, be careful about forcing yourself to exercise through severe aches. The goal is to find movements that circulate blood and stimulate healing without overdoing it.

But, exercise is only one piece of the puzzle. Nutrition also plays a vital role. You can formulate a menopause diet plan to manage weight specifically, as many of the foods you’ll eat to manage joint aches also help you offset weight gain.

A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish and flaxseeds), antioxidants (from colorful fruits and vegetables), and lean proteins can help support joint health. Limiting the intake of processed foods and sugars is equally important.

Other Remedies for Menopause Joint aches Relief: Heat/Cold Therapy, Painkillers, Stress Management, and More

Incorporating Provitalize and the lifestyle changes above will go a long way in managing joint aches and menopause symptoms. But, we do want to share a few other natural remedies for menopause joint aches:

  • Heat/Cold Therapy: Heat pads can reduce joint stiffness, while cold packs can help manage joint swelling and aches.
  • Over-the-Counter painkillers: Non-prescription drugs like ibuprofen can provide temporary relief. However, they should be used responsibly and under a healthcare provider's guidance.
  • Stress Management: Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can help reduce stress levels, which may, in turn, help manage aches.

These natural remedies for menopause joint aches will bolster the tips we offered above. But in some cases, you may need to seek professional guidance on menopause and joint aches.

Professional Treatment Options: HRT, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic Care

Natural remedies and lifestyle changes may not provide sufficient relief from menopause and joint aches for some women. It may be beneficial to explore professional treatment options in such cases. These may include:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): This can help balance hormone levels, potentially reducing joint aches. However, HRT should be considered under medical guidance due to associated risks.
  • Acupuncture: This traditional Chinese medicine technique may provide relief by stimulating certain points in the body to alleviate aches.
  • Physical Therapy: A trained physical therapist can design a customized program to support joint mobility, reduce aches, and support strength.
  • Chiropractic Care: Chiropractors can perform adjustments to help manage joint aches and support overall function.

These can be used alongside the other ways to treat menopause and joint aches we have described above. 

But now that you know how to treat menopause joint aches, it’s time to take action. And without any further ado, let’s wrap up this conversation on joint aches and menopause.

Bringing Our Guide on Menopause and Joint Aches to a Close

The rapid aging after menopause doesn’t just show itself in your midsection - but also in how you think and feel.This can contribute to severe joint aches that limit your ability to enjoy life’s simple pleasures - or even just basic tasks around the house.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way. Menopause joint aches may be a common symptom, but it certainly doesn't have to be a life sentence. 

From lifestyle modifications and natural supplements like Provitalize to professional treatments, you have a wealth of options to manage and potentially alleviate this discomfort. Give these tactics a try and see what a difference they can make in your life now that you know how to treat menopause joint aches.

The best supplements for menopause weight gain are just a few clicks away at BB Company, ready to help you lose menopause belly fat - so you’ll feel 20 years younger.